100 Years Ago Today - July 2022

Look at these statements from headline articles in the La Porte Argus in July 1922. Terminology, capitalization, and what makes headline news can be different. Yet accidents, business, crime, and war still make headlines. Want to read the whole article? It’s on microfilm in the Indiana Room at the Main Library. Staff will be glad to help you access it. 

July 1 

The La Porte county council declares that Boot Jack road will not be made a public utility. 


July 3 

With the old Interlaken school ground and buildings in excellent condition and with an enrollment of 1,600 boys, Camp Roosevelt is ready to begin its summer term at its new location. 


July 5 

St. John’s Lutheran picnic at the fair grounds was one of the most successful outings ever sponsored by the church. Over 500 school children and parishoners marched to the picnic. 


July 6 

A couple traveling in a palace on wheels have troubles in La Porte. The husband goes to jail for refusing to pay $1 for speeding and the wife sleeps in the motor home by the police station. 


July 7 

Michigan City was without a water supply for 15 hours because a fire which started in the ball park grand stand spread to the waterworks building. 


July 8 

Reduction of gasoline prices of .2 to .4 of a cent per gallon throughout the middle western states is announced following reductions of freight rates by the interstate commerce commission. 


July 10 

With concrete being laid down at a rapid rate, the Dunes Highway between Gary and Michigan City will be open by December 1. It is funded by the state and federal government. 


July 11 

The La Porte Telephone company warns youthful radio fans against the use of telephone or electric light poles for attaching aerials. Danger exists in climbing poles and contact with wires. 


July 12 

John D. Rockefeller, the world’s richest man, spent his 83rd birthday by going to church and taking an auto ride through the Pocantico Hills. 


July 13 

Removal of houses on the site of the new High school building on Harrison street are beginning. The handsome Paulis home will be moved to B street and the Anderson home will go to A street. 


July 14 

A thief or thieves make away with 3 loaves of bread, chocolate candy, and a bottle of Rasbo from the meat market at 501 Rose street this morning. The safe and cash register were not touched. 


July 15 

The Polish Catholic church near Sogany lake is a mass of smoking debris. Farmers and parish members are battling to save the residence which adjoins the church. 


July 17 

A number of cases of measles in La Porte have been reported to the health officer. Remember to report the cases and observe the quarantine regulations. 


July 18 

A man is found guilty of a charge of profanity in the city court this afternoon and is fined $2 and costs, totaling $15.30. 


July 19 

The interior of the La Porte fire station will be remodeled in preparation for the arrival of the new motor-driven hook and ladder truck. Horses and equipment will be sold first. 


July 20 

Twenty-four million Russians are starving and the condition of the famine areas is most desolate. Many of the peasants are so weak they cannot till the fields or harvest crops. 


July 21 

An avalanche on the famous ledge trail from Yosemite Valley to Glacier Point throws thousands of vacationers into wild excitement. A woman is seriously injured and 10 have minor injuries. 


July 22 

Thirteen ships are chartered to bring coal to the city of New York from England to avert a coal famine. 


July 24 

An 11-year-old boy is sentenced to the Indiana Boys’ school at Plainfield for 3-19 years for entering a home and stealing a revolver. Means to place him in a private place were exhausted. 


July 25 

Watchmen are placed at the Boston, Perry, and Mechanic street railroad crossings in La Porte. 


July 26 

Camp Fire girls will provide the entertainment for the boys at Camp Roosevelt tomorrow in the form of a playlet with amusing incidents. The Y. M. C. A. will provide the next entertainment. 


July 27 

There is a lack of proper educational facilities in Galena township. School enumeration shows 183 boys and girls of school age there and an average attendance of 111. 

July 28 

La Porte’s chautauqua opens tonight with the presentation of Harold Bell Wright’s great Ozark play, “The Shepherd of the Hills.” 


July 29 

The Coolspring Farmer’s institute is raising a fund for the building of a club house before the close of the year. 


July 31 

Blinded by the headlights of a motorist who failed to use dimmers, a man driving a 7-passenger Nash touring car last night was crowded over the edge of the road south of Crane’s Nest. 

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