100 Years Ago Today - April 2022

Look at these statements from headline articles in the La Porte Argus in April 1922. Terminology, capitalization, and what makes headline news can be different. Yet accidents, business, crime, and war still make headlines. Want to read the whole article? It’s on microfilm in the Indiana Room at the Main Library. Staff will be glad to help you access it. 


April 1 

April 2-8 will be observed as Canadian week in La Porte and many U. S. cities to mark the 100th anniversary of the treaty between the U. S. and Canada which disarmed the great lakes. 


April 3 

Motordom will be well represented when nine of La Porte’s most prominent automobile dealers get together for the city’s second annual automobile show which opens on Thursday. 


April 4 

La Porte’s new $300,000 high school will be erected in the block bounded by Harrison, Chicago, First and Madison streets near the center of school population. 


April 5 

The establishment of Camp Roosevelt at Interlaken will mean much to La Porte from a publicity standpoint.  The former boys school has a gymnasium, messhall for 1000, hospital, etc. 


April 6 

The annual dinner of the La Porte Chamber of Commerce in the Masonic Temple was one of the most successful affairs in the history of the organization.  Vaudeville acts entertained throughout. 


April 7 

The La Porte Gas & Electric Co. banquet for 56 employees was held at the Rumely hotel.  There was an elaborate menu, orchestra, singing in which everybody had a part, and talks. 


April 8 

The fate of worn-out automobile tires in Los Angeles has been found.  They are sent to the west coast of Mexico and made into shoes.  The last shipment totaled 200 tons. 


April 10 

That a man’s sins generally find him out was verified when a deputy sheriff finds and arrests a good-looking young chap of 22 years from Illinois and puts him in jail for wife desertion. 


April 11 

A labor attorney says reduction of wages of unskilled laborers on the railroad would be “wholesale infanticide.”  The men cannot support their families now on $70 a month. 


April 12 

The relation between pleasant weather and the price of gasoline is evidenced by the filling station price of gasoline which increased one cent per gallon to 23.4 cents. 


April 13 

Over 50 members of the chamber of commerce hear the Hobart M. Cable reproducing piano at a luncheon at the Rumely hotel.  The automatic piano has possibilities for business in S. America. 


April 14 

The newest Easter models are at Smith’s Shoe Store.  Ten new and distinctive styles in women’s patent low cuts are $5.50 to $7.50. 


April 15 

Death comes to the “Rip Van Winkle of the Ozarks” who slept for 4 years except once when he said, “The Lord have mercy on my soul.  I have been across the river Jordan with the angels.” 


April 17 

An age old scheme, practiced by professional swindlers, was frustrated when police arrest 3 men endeavoring to dispose of “diamond” rings.  They were told to stay away from La Porte. 


April 18 

La Porte journeyman barbers were guests of Michigan City barbers for business, fellowship, and refreshments.  They are planning a union picnic this summer. 


April 19 

Edsel Ford, president of the Ford Motor company, says at the Ford tractor show in New York that he expects production this year to increase to 1,100,000 cars and trucks as a minimum. 


April 20 

Russia refuses to recognize the debts contracted by the czarist government during the war. 


April 21 

Specials at the Chicago Cash Meat Market include 3 pounds of best beef hamburger with no water or cereal for 25 cents and the best baby beef roast in town for 12-15 cents. 


April 22 

The remodeled Pendleton & Co. at 809 Monroe St. is now open.  Cars on display include the well-known Franklin, the classy Marmon, the reliable Nash and the always popular Chevrolet. 


April 24 

Hundreds were attracted to the corner of Monroe street and Lincolnway last evening when an Interurban car jumped the rails.  No damage resulted, though a light post barely escaped. 


April 25 

An inmate of the hospital for the criminal insane at Michigan City takes his life by rolling a bed sheet and fastening it around his cell door and neck. 


April 26 

La Porte has a new fraternity.   It is dominated by gentle women and is known as the Lady Vikings, an auxiliary of the Order of Vikings, one of the city’s flourishing organizations. 


April 27 

President Harding gives an address in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of General Ulysses S. Grant. 


April 28 

Man after man, both from La Porte and other cities, say that no clothing store in northern Ind. is showing the great variety of real good spring and summer clothes that Lows’ Clothing Store has. 


April 29 

One of the horses of the American laundry took a notion to run away.  It damages an automobile and scatters laundry along the streets. 

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